Some Art

I don’t really enjoy using instagram anymore, but I do realize I still have it linked from my site. And I waffle on picking it back up again just to have it up to date- but then I remembered I have a blog I can post to. So. I’m gonna toss a bunch of what I’ve been drawing lately in here!

To kick it off: A fun concept I’ve seen a fair share of artists try is popping the greyscale filter on their ipads and run away drawin. So I tried it:

Process video

Next up- Zombies!!! My nightly routine lately has been to pop on some old school Left4Dead and play a round with my partner. And I was thinkin about it the other day and way back in my school days, I used to 1. Play Left4Dead all the time and 2. Draw zombies like it was my job. My style doesn’t generally veer towards Ooky-Spooky anymore, so I thought it would be a nice challenge to try drawing zombies again and see what I could get done:

Clown Zombie inspired by Left4Dead2

Smoker from Left4Dead2